Friday, September 17, 2021

MaW session 31st August 2021

This was the last session of this course and Adrienne introduced her Loving Kindness practice by quoting Albert Einstein:

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

 Bev introduced the writing session with  ~ “Brine” by Kenneth Steven

this sea that’s still inside us


And now for some of 


by Doreen Kelly

This sea that's still inside, calm now under the red sky of a delightful, mindful, creative evening tide must be heeded and respected when it rumbles and crashes under the warning of the ros y morning sky. A day that starts unsettled will take some settling. Stomach churns and refuses breakfast preferring instead the quick sugar-rush of chocolate. After all its fight or flight time. How can my brain work and work appropriately in these conditions?

This sea that is within me ....
by Cath Hopkins

This sea that is within me ....
Washes away the storms and sorrow of yesterday. 
It eases the heartache that is held within my broken heart.
It pours into my limbs, that lay still and heavy,
with the weight of grief and goodbyes.
It holds me away from the edge of darkness.
And I will not slip below the surface,
For it is saves me from drowning
as it slips between my dreams
And brings me hope of redemption
As I walk across the landscape of my life.


Thanks to you all ...

... for your heartening feedback as always!

Catrice: How beautiful!!!!
Joyce: wonderful thank you Adrienne xx
Kay: beautiful   thankyou Adrienne  kx
Candyce: That was lovely.
Catrice: Thank you, Adrienne
Adrienne: ❤️
Bev: this sea that’s still inside us
Giovanna: Catrice - "a collection of found sea memories on a sill “it remembers the sea that is still inside us” lovely lovely lovely
Britt: I loved that line too...
Catrice: πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–Giovanna
Catrice: Thank you everyone. 😊
Candyce: I loved the evocative beginning, Catrice
Joyce: amazing
Britt: I'm so glad you read that, G. x
Catrice: So beautiful.  It transports!!!
Catrice: Oh wow 🀩! Would love to hear that.
Giovanna: Thank you Britt 🌊
Giovanna: This is the link for anyone who’s interested:
Giovanna: Cath - “it pours into our limbs which lay still due to the weight of grief and goodbyes”
Giovanna: Doreen - i loved all the different avenues you took there, I’d love to read it
Giovanna: Sally - “never still, but still inside us”
Doreen: Giovanna - I am not sure what you are asking with this "I’d love to read it"?
Giovanna: Kay - “clothes spread across the bed like someone dead” “hard-boiling myself so if I crack my yolk won’t run”
Giovanna: Doreen - I just meant I’d love to read it if you’re willing, either on the blog or to me or not at all if you don’t fancy it!
Giovanna: Candyce - “our pushing give in at the water at our depth”
Doreen: Here's my poem because I was hard to hear:- This sea that's still inside, calm now under the red sky of a delightful, mindful, creative eveningtide. Must be heeded and respected when it rumbles and crashes under the warning of the rosey morning sky. A day that starts unsettled will take some settling. Stomach churns and refuses breakfast preferring instead the quick sugar-rush of chocolate. After all its fight or flight time. How can my brain work and work appropriately in these conditions?
Giovanna: Caroline - just so gorgeous, I felt like I was there with you
Britt: I feel like I've been given a childhood in Arbroath.
Giovanna: Doreen - thank you so much. I love the little leaps from sea to sky to breakfast to chocolate to brain
Giovanna: Caroline - beautiful words, thank you
Giovanna: Britt - “we forget os we dig, we reach down deep” “we listen silent in caves of us” “this is where truth resides, this stuff of us”
Giovanna: Joyce - “we carry the water, moon pulling our sea, healing all our souls”
Giovanna: I can’t thank you enough Bev and Adrienne, this is a very special space indeed πŸ₯°
Britt: Agreed! It's amazing to listen and witness and learn from you all, to be in community here. Thank you, all.
Kay: thankyou thankyou thankyou   kx
karen Forbes: Unforgettable evenings of friendship , magical words, special beyond words. Thankyou for these wonderful Tuesday sessions. Big hugs all round.xx
Giovanna: i’d love to stay in touch, if anyone’s interested you can find me on facebook at “Giovanna MacKenna” and on twitter/instagram @giovamacpoet. Hoping to see you all in the future, this has been gorgeous ❤️
Nichole: Thanks so much everyone. Namaste. πŸ™πŸ»
Catrice: Thank you, everyone! πŸ’š
Candyce: Thank you.  I do need to go!  I hope I can do the next one and see all of you again.
Doreen: Night night everyone.
Bonbon: Thank you for the beautiful and powerful words from all who shared. I have loved every session and meeting you all. With love , until the next time Yxxx
Jan: Thanks generous souls. I was a sceptic but have got so much out of the sessions. Bev and Adrienne complement each other very well and I enjoy both parts of each session.  I feel more centred afterwards.  There has been a positive impact on my writing too...though I still can't write very quickly and am in awe of the generous women who share their amazing pieces with everyone.
Thanks to you and Adrienne.

Thanks to funders
Lapidus Scotland gratefully acknowledges the support of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership's "Wellbeing for Longer in Glasgow Fund" (managed by Impact Funding Partners).