Wednesday, August 11, 2021

MaW session 10th August 2021

Today Adrienne introduced her senses practice with a poem "The Road" by Kenneth Steven.
Bev took a writing prompt from the poem The Way it Is by William Stafford:

there’s a thread you follow


And now for some of 


by Bonbon

I wake up every single morning with a joy to be alive
I wander around MY world with my wonderfully happy dog, he’s just padding and bouncing beside me 
I engage with almost everyone in my path even just with a nod or a smile or an hour long conversation
I sometimes give - I sometimes receive
When I listen I hear so much pain, grief, sadness and tremendous confusion and turmoil
Strangers we are - yet we open up and reveal so much of ourselves
Just in one day , the thread of me is weaving in and around people I may never meet again
Our threads have criss-crossed but never tangle 
We’ve woven a beautiful fabric together, all shapes and sizes, but always large enough for us to take something away
In parting ways - I wander on - somehow my thread feels stronger

There is a thread to follow (to Sutherland)
 by Joyce Nicholson

The road north, north north and west,
landing in home, where I have never lived,
but deep down, in the thick threads of being, connecting ancient memory.
Here among the peat bogs and waterlied lochans
I find the start and end of my threads in this world,
Three billion years of geoshifting thrust beaches on top of mountains
and left the bones of lynx, polar and brown bears in limestone caves.
The majesties of Suilven, Canisp and Quinag sharply slope to gaping white wild beaches
where, just before jagged cliffs lie two heroes of ours holding us closely with their threads of peaceful praxis, ever alive. 

I'm following my heart
by Karen Ewing

I'm following my heart.
I've grown accustomed to the quiet stirrings of nature,
And birdsong,
And wildlife
Here, in my magical nature park.

I remain free to choose
Who I see,
Who I visit,
Who I invite to my new home.
I learn to care less about offending, more about the necessity of solace.

I am in control,
I am steering this ship which occasionally tries to throw me overboard.
I have no need for endless chitter chatter, and gossip, and white noise -
The whisper of my new life, my newfound self beckons.
It is enough.

And I relish the peace which comes from knowledge,
And writing,
And listening,
And breathing.
Solitary rules!

Although I have some need for company
Now it is measured, precious, timely
And when the clock pauses and the conversation stops,
I return to my other life -
My life of wild swans,
Leafy lanes and
Frothing streams.
The Mill where the reed beds churn, and fold, and float away upstream
Into the future.
My thread of new life,
Newly lived in the dawn of another day,
I am breathing in my future.

‘there’s a thread you follow’ (William Stafford)
by Britt Doughty-Godchaux

It pops out of something you’re wearing
the thread. Maybe it’s an old jumper or
a sock as you bend to pick something else up
off the floor. That thread is you. 
It is the you you forgot. It’s the you
you forgot when you were trying to figure
out who to be. 

You pick it free, and unfurling before you
is that person past. The one with
sharp corners, tactless responses, 
clearer vision. 

It’s like that jumper or sock from
where the thread emerged came itself
from a box in the attic with a
hinged lid pinned down with lifetimes of

You are that treasure inside. 
You were waiting there for you to find you.
And now that you have, 

what will you do?

by Doreen Kelly

There's a thread you follow that weaves through the different colours and textures of our homes. Following it as it runs through hopes and fears you flow through your life. A shaper stronger needle is used to guide a double strand out of the front door and into the community. The thread stubbornly binds together hatred and love, the needle stabs and tugs the double strand of cotton through grass and pavement, unthinkingly the artisan binds justice and injustice together.
You follow as the cotton cuts into your ever so sensitive hands, sharing the suffering you are not watching from a distance. 


Thanks to you all ...

... for your heartening feedback as always!

Annan: I’m aware of how my body is more sensitive to others stress when I allow myself to open and be aware.
Annan: My protective self wants to engage when I hear of death and ambulances, and this is how I shut down in day to day life. How to be open and not take in others pain? Or is it ok to let the pain in and pass through me?
Catherine: sorry for being so late, didnt realise the time
Bev: there’s a thread you follow
Giovanna: Hi all, sorry I’m late. Can anyone tell me the prompt? thank you!
Amber: there’s a thread you follow
Giovanna: Thanks Amber
Giovanna: “the shark in me” I want to have that framed!
Amber: Thank you for sharing your experience Karen and Bev. Very current and useful for me to hear.
Britt: Karen, could you please write your poem out (whether this vision or the next or the next) as I think I might need to refer back to it in future. Thank you!
Giovanna: So glad I made the last hour, so many brilliant words here, thanks averyone
Amber: Really wonderful to hear from everyone who spoke this evening. Plenty of resonance on topics in my life and food for thought
Annan: Thanks everyone. Your words and honesty inspire me and call upon my higher self.
Karen: Such a powerful session. Thanks everyone, God Bless xx
Nichole: Thank you, take care everyone
Catrice: Thank you for this class.  Much appreciated.
Joyce: thankyou what nourishment

Thanks to funders
Lapidus Scotland gratefully acknowledges the support of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership via the Wellbeing for Longer in Glasgow Fund managed by Impact Funding Partners