Thursday, October 21, 2021

MaW session 16th October 2021

For our second session Adrienne led a Bodyscan practice, introducing it with that gentle poem by Danna Faulds, Settle into the here and now.

 Bev introduced the writing session with  ~ “To be great, be whole” by Fernando Pessoa (translated by Richard Zenith:

I shine bright when…


And now for some of 


by Amy Brooke

All this posturing and pretending
Intellectualising the mystery
Reduced to siloed elements
Mechanically interacting.
Numbers, data, projections
All a guise of authority
In truth, mere assumptions and approximations.
We do not know, we do not know (dare we say it)
Hopelessness and despair
Frantically reacting, scrambling
‘Do something, all of you out there’, they say
‘Do something about this’
A shout into the void
And from somewhere, that little one inside,
She calls me here
In all our conceptualising and theorising,
She whispers,
We cannot feel
We cannot relate
We cannot be touched
By this moment.
In its enormity,
Our closed off hearts, small and defending.
Slow down
Into this breathing, beating body
This earth
Feel her
Deep holding presence
Come into the infinite expanse of the human heart
Reach out from that place
That can contain the pain of the world
And its joy too
Maybe from that humble and wild place
Of relation, of sensitivity, of sharing
We can meet each other,
And meet this moment.

by Elaine Richardson

I shine bright when I am unquarried 
beneath the earth, before the dynamite is set and the explosions splinter me. 

Marble is prized
It can be sculpted
It can be crushed
It can be ground

But somewhere, I still recall the intense brightness of the metamorphis that made me. 
It reminds me that I do not need to be sculpted or quarried. 

Background - metamorphic rocks such as marble are formed by intense pressure and heat. The pressure is so great the structure of the rock is changed into a new form. 


Thanks to you all ...

... for your heartening feedback as always!

Rachel: beautifully said
Joyce: wonderful thank you xxx
Kay: just wonderful   just what I needed   thankyou  kx
Karen: Fabulous x
Jo: thanks Adrienne, I drifted into a place of great peace x
Sheila: Thanks aAdrienne for the most complete body scan I’ve ever done.  I am renewed 👍
Jan: Thanks loads Adrienne
Adrienne: Thank you for the lovely feedback xx
Bev: I shine bright when…
Giovanna: I loved all of that Bex, and completely agree
Joyce: loved that bex  - wonderful xxx
Giovanna: And in so many other spaces Sheila, I’m witness to it
Giovanna: loved that line about truth Lesley, fantastic
Catrice: What a beautiful last line, Lesley.
Catrice: From that humble and wild place!
Catrice: Great line, Amy!
Giovanna: “a guise of authority” “maybe we can meet each other…” thank you Amy, I”d love to read this again
Joyce: wow amy  -  fantastic  - I would love to see that again ! x
Catrice: Well done Kay!
Angie: Romantic Outlaws by Charlotte Gordon.  It is about Mary Wollstencroft and her daughter Mary Shelley.
Giovanna: Still thinking about that mother’s ring Kay
Lesley: Romantic Outlaws by Charlotte Gordon  This book blew my mind at the trailblazing ways of Mary Shelley and her mother Mary Wolstonecraft
Giovanna: I loved the verbal magic Jo, and you’re last line
Giovanna: “small and hard and needed” “I must stop looking for that chaos”
Catrice: Unique and strong voice, Jan!
Giovanna: Gorgeous Joyce, thank you
Giovanna: “explosions splinter me” “the metamorphis that made me”
Karen: Love that last line 💖
Giovanna: “I do not need to be sculpted or quarried”
Giovanna: Loved that generous journey through your days Karen
Karen: Thankyou x
Angie: lovely to spend a Saturday morning with you all.
Karen: Gorgeous 2 hours. ♥️
Joyce: leaving the session with my heart filled of love for you  all , thank you all you fabulous women  xxx
Giovanna: Thank you Bev, Adrienne and everyone, it’s always a pleasure to be here with you all
Catrice: Thank you, Bev and Adrienne. 💚
Kay: thankyou once again for a wonderful session kx
Amy: Thanks so much everyone xx
Elaine: thanks everyone, take cake x
Jan: Thanks everyone
Bex: Thanks you all, a lovely session that has set me up for the rest of the day. Looking forward to seeing you nrxt week... 09:55:53 From  Rachel Mc  to  Lapidus 

Thanks to funders
Lapidus Scotland gratefully acknowledges the support of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership's "Wellbeing for Longer in Glasgow Fund" (managed by Impact Funding Partners).