Sunday, March 12, 2023

Slow Ink session 11th March 2023

Today Adrienne introduced her Memories of Kindness practice with a poem "Kindness" by Naomi Shihab Nye. 
Bev took a writing prompt from the poem above written by 10 year old Hollie Christie (unedited). 
Our prompt was 
my courage is...


And now for some of 


My courage comes from-
by Fenella Rennie

Inside, knowing I have come this far by, somehow, doing, thinking, feeling--. However, very quickly, it actually seems to me that nothing about anything I do is about courage! Feels to me like persistence, application, enthusiasm even. Also research and consideration and lots of other words or thoughts.

When I started to learn violin in my 50s, having wanted to learn since my teens, a close family member said that was really brave, and that they could never have done it. To me, it felt like pleasure, relief, excitement, and so on. It needed application to find a teacher, and a long time to learn that practice as well as lessons was essential, but courage, never!

The thing I have repeatedly found scary was going away, but there was a lightbulb moment when I realised it was the chance of failing to catch the necessary transport I was scared of. Solution not courage, but organisation!

take heart
by Hilaire

courage is a bird
flying free
above the dirty town

a bulb 
forcing leaves up
through frozen ground

girls playing football
while their brothers
taunt and jeer

the girl whose skin
prickles at injustice
and tells the teacher on the boys

courage is a seed
that sprouts and grows
inside your heart

its flowering many-petalled
its seed head potent
primed to bust

By Fakhriya Abdulkadir
My courage comes from having to grow up before my time.
My courage came when I landed in a strange new land.
Scared and Worried
Sad and Angry
Lonely and Insecure
My courage started inside of me.
It grew and come outside of me.
It guided me to bravery and to be courageous.
It sparked twinkling lights when darkness overshadowed me.
When faced with insecurities courage forced me to look within me.
Reminding me how far we have come.
Courage became my armour when I felt oppressed and excluded.
Courage allowed me to stand up tall and use my passionate voice.
For courage taught me to never be silenced or ridiculed.
It is my courage that is embedded in and within me.
Without it I would collapse.  

by Denise Steele

Do you remember   
how I sent up spears to test above,
slim, green and brave?

Do you remember my tiny bud
pushing through, unready yet,
too wrapped, fragile,
tight and taut
as if I still might die?

Do you remember the days I stalled,
trammeled, stooped
by sudden snow?

Come then today
to my petals proud,
tender shields, violet-veined.
Look inside as I offer now
the small bright gold of my opening.

My Courage Comes From...
by Linda Small

My courage comes from
knowing I have made a difference
that quietness and shyness
has its place
in contemplative living
within the circles I have travelled

for the dying are a mixed bunch
some need laughter bold and true
and a loud cacophony of sound
to dissipate the raindrops
and strike courage in the
face of fear

and others need the gentle tones
of one who does not fear
the tough words of conversation
who can listen and not let go
who can hold the words
those spoken and unspoken

and open up that door
for questions that rally up
inside the self when the pain
is too great to bare
and silent tears befall the face

my mother awoke from a brain biopsy
and before eyes were opened she said
I am so pleased it is your
still quiet voice I hear

and to another
to whose side I was called
when suffering had all become too much
and years of stoic faith
flew out the window
and all hope inside was lost

twas my soft voice
that reached her, cradled her,
reminded her on His behalf
that she was so loved
so dearly loved
becoming much more than a word
in due season for the
one who feels terribly abandoned

we all hold the gift
of encouragement
and the uniqueness
of it's expression
let not the chance
go by to use it

My courage comes from within
by Antje Bothin

My courage comes from within
My mind wanders around
Tells me stories
I can choose
Look at the stars, how they shine up high
See the sunshine
Relax, try, make things happen
Believe in success
Learn from failure
Open up like a flower when the day starts
Realise everything is possible
Make my dreams come true
Focus on my strengths
And be grateful for everything I have
With love in my heart
And kindness to myself and others.


Thanks to you all ...

... for your heartening feedback as always!

Doreen: Did Lesley O'Brien tell you that one of my poems will be in the Lapidus pamphlet? I wrote at her Spark Her Words last summer
Lisa: That’s fab! I have a poem published in Kate Oman’s “Rise Anthology II”, publishing in April.
Doreen: The Door by Miroslav Holub is the poem that sparked my words
Jennifer: good morning everyone.
Antje: Good morning 🙂
Doreen: I loved the phrase "rib cage wrapping around your upper body"
Adrienne: Reacted to "I loved the phrase "..." with ❤️
Bev: my courage comes from
Kate: I'll be two ticks
Zoë: wonderful words Fakhirya
Denise: Fakriya, I hope you will always use your courageous voice to write.
Fakhriya: thank you denise. I am trying that now.
Zoë: day are long/ clear out clutter/ fear wanders - lovely images
Denise: Linda that’s beautiful and has real truth.
Zoë: dissipate raindrops, tough words of conversation, stoic faith - absolutely gorgeous & heartbreaking in equal measure
Hilaire _: So moving
kay: how beautiful you were there
Lisa: Totally. And yes, we ARE so loved. What kindness is here.
Lisa: Love haikus. Their simplicity. Their profoundness.
Zoë: lovely!
Denise: Jennifer very unusual take - great.
Zoë: Gorgeous! love the deep pockets
Zoë: sent up spears/slim and brave fabulous
Lisa: gold of  my opening - exquisite
Hilaire _: Beautiful Denise! Violet-veined
Zoë: difficult birthing/ courage calls to courage /middle daughter - brilliant
Lisa: Denise, you might like to read “Snowdrops” by Louise Gluck - your poem reminded me of this.
Denise: Thank you, Lisa, I will
linda: beautiful words Hilaire, from the heart, deeply felt x
Lisa: As I was, Bev. In West Africa.
Hilaire Thanks all!
Zoë: find it in everyone - powerful ending
Denise: Terrific exploration, and conclusion, Bev. Salutes to you!
Lisa: Ann! Please get this published!
Jennifer: "good enough is good enough for me"  "what do we want"
Zoë: brilliant Ann
Fakhriya: that was beautiful ann
Ann: Thank you, everyone!
Lisa: Lived experience. So very real. And honest. I hear you, Doreen. I hear your courage speaking.
Zoë: brilliant story in that Doreen
Zoë: warrior body - lovely
Zoë: love those drums
Hilaire ‘Tiny vastness’ & ‘dragons of doubt’ - great stuFF1
Lisa: Thank you all
Ann: A bit late for this comment to Fakhriya as listening to others' comments and writing-loved everything about your piece, especially the twinkly lights in darkness.
Fakhriya: thanks Ann
Zoë: lovely Antje
Denise: So powerful, Kay. Blink and the man’s gone. Such suffering.
Ann: Thanks, Lisa-I hope to create another book* of Creative Writing, for a group I facilitate, and will consider including what I wrote in it. *Our first one is just being published in time for Book Festival here next week.
Antje: Thank you everyone
Kay: a beautiful session   thankyou everyone  kx
Lisa: Ann, that sounds just wonderful. I wish you Joy in it!
Hilaire: Your passionate voice comes through xx
Ann: Fakhriya: "Twinkly lights when darkness overshadowed me."
Denise: Thank you everyone for today.
Fakhriya: Reacted to "Thank you everyone f..." with ❤️
Fakhriya: Reacted to "Fakhriya: "Twinkly l..." with ❤️
Lisa: Please share your poem widely Fakhriya.
Zoë: trampled sunflowers/ only knee/ clutches on the floor/ gorgeous
Fakhriya: thanks everyone for sharing.  I feel inspired and honoured to be in this group.
Antje: Reacted to "thanks everyone for ..." with 💖
Antje: Reacted to "a beautiful session ..." with 💖
Adrienne Hannah: Reacted to "thanks everyone for ..." with 💖
Antje: Removed a 💖 reaction from "thanks everyone for ..."
Antje: Reacted to "thanks everyone for ..." with 💖
Doreen: thanks, see you next week
Fakhriya: Reacted to "Please share your po..." with ❤️
Linda: thank you to everyone for all that has been shared, so much to ponder and take courage in, x
Hilaire: Wonderful session, Thanks  Bev & Adrienne
Fakhriya: bye everyone

Thanks to funders
Lapidus Scotland gratefully acknowledges the support of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership's "Wellbeing for Longer in Glasgow Fund" (managed by Impact Funding Partners).